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Sunday, April 20, 2008

14 lb

Hurray, I did it..
I lost 14 lb(6 kg) in 4 months.. People told me that i can loose 1 lb per week. But when i started to do dieting and exercise, i was very tired and frustrated. But if i don't control my weight now, then the next baby will add another 20 lb to me, ending me into a nice fat old aunt.. Not only that, a slim/moderate figure gives a healthy life and lots of confidence and boldness.

Whenever i do some tasty dish, i felt miserable and used to think, "Is this diet really necessary?", "Who is going to appoint me as a model", silly me. But, when i see my hard earned outcome, i am too glad now.. The things which i did for the past 4 months to control my weight were
1. Yoga, early in the morning.
2. Water therapy, early in the morning.
3. Walking with mm, in the evening.
4. Black chai, at any time, preferably while mm is sleeping.
5. 1200 Calorie diet.
6. Gym, Jogging in treadmill.

One thing i could not change, my shoulders became broad and also my hips. Do any other mother have this same effect on your body? or am i still fat ? ;-)


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! i am sooooooooooo happy for you!! My next mission is for you to start wearing summer dresses:)

Manjari said...

Hmm, summer dress. Let me switch gradually otherwise, MM may faint..